Il-Membru Parlamentari Ewropew Daniel Attard kien fost il-kelliema ewlenin waqt ‘Destination Europe Summit’, avveniment ta’ livell għoli organizzat minn Euronews u l-European Travel Commission. Dan is-Summit laqqa’ flimkien il-Kummissarju Ewropew għat-Trasport u t-Turiżmu kif ukoll l-aktar atturi importanti fis-settur tat-turiżmu madwar l-Ewropa u lil hinn.
Matul l-intervent tiegħu, l-Ewroparlamentari Daniel Attard tkellem dwar il-ħtieġa ta’ “Unjoni għat-Turiżmu Ewropew”, viżjoni konkreta biex jiġu indirizzati l-isfidi u jintlaħqu l-miri komuni tas-settur, fosthom il-konnettività, il-qalba ambjentali u d-diġitalizzazzjoni.
Huwa saħaq li dan jista’ jsir permezz ta’ politika aktar koerenti u effettiva fil-livell Ewropew, bl-introduzzjoni ta’ fondi ddedikati esklussivament għat-turiżmu, kif ukoll billi jiġi ffaċilitat l-aċċess għal riżorsi u inizjattivi eżistenti.
“L-għan huwa li nnaqqsu l-burokrazija, nimmassimizzaw ir-riżorsi u naqsmu l-aqwa prattiċi favur turiżmu sostenibbli li jħares il-wirt kulturali, joffri karrieri ta’ kwalità u jtejjeb l-ħajja tal-komunitajiet affettwati.”
Ftit ġimgħat ilu, l-MPE Attard ġie maħtur fit-tmexxija tat-Task Force tat-Turiżmu tal-Parlament Ewropew, u s-sehem tiegħu f’dan is-Summit importanti huwa xhieda tal-progress u r-rikonoxximent miksub f’dan is-settur strateġiku li hu tant kruċjali għal Malta u Għawdex.

MEP Daniel Attard Addresses High-Level European Tourism Summit
– Advocates for European Tourism Union
MEP Daniel Attard was among the key speakers at the Destination Europe Summit, a leading event organized by Euronews and the European Travel Commission. The summit gathered the European Commissioner for Transport and Tourism alongside key industry leaders from across Europe and other countries.
During the flagship panel discussion, MEP Attard outlined the need for a “European Tourism Union,” a structured vision to address common challenges and unlock the sector’s full potential. Key priorities include connectivity, the green transition, and digital transformation.
He emphasized that achieving these goals requires a more coordinated and effective EU-level approach. This includes the introduction of dedicated tourism funding and better alignment of existing resources and initiatives.
Attard stated, “Our goal is to cut bureaucracy, optimize resources, and exchange best practices to foster a sustainable tourism sector, one that preserves cultural heritage, creates quality jobs, and enhances the well-being of local communities.”
Daniel Attard was recently appointed as a leading member of the European Parliament’s Tourism Task Force, where he is actively developing solutions to shared challenges. His participation in this key summit reflects the growing recognition of his contributions within this strategic sector, crucial for Malta and Gozo.